[TL;DR Guilds will help you succeed as a streamer by teaming up with similar streamers. Check it out here. Tutorial video here.]
Streamers have been telling us that one of their major problems is getting a new channel launched and off-the-ground. It’s hard to setup all the right software, plug-ins, get discovered, know what times or games to stream, and other best practices. It’s also hard to stay motivated when nobody is watching you.
Introducing: Streamer Guilds

Most successful streamers attribute a large part of their success to finding other streamers that helped them out early on — networking. Streamer friends help you stay motivated, help you fix what’s broken, and prevent you from quitting when the going gets tough (which it inevitably does).

Based on our data since Jan 1st 2017, 79% of new streamers have quit within 90 days of their first stream

Streamer Guilds help you find a group of like-minded streamers to guide & mentor you so you don’t give up, and can get through the difficult early days.

“Being a guild leader is a really interesting way to help out new streamers. It’s fun to see the people you’ve picked grow and seeing your own fanbase take part in helping out your group. It’s an experience I’d definitely recommend to both bigger and newer streamers!” — Azerfrost
What do Guilds do?
Streamer Guilds are like Stream Teams with a focus on mentoring — anyone (not just Partners) can search for open Guilds, create Guilds, or join Guilds. Guild leaders and members can provide each other with:
- Mentoring: how to get started, best practices, scheduling, what games to stream
- Content: how to create engaging content; why should people watch you?
- Technical: how to setup the best software, plug-ins, alerts, donations, optimized settings, chat bots
- Community: how to get discovered, keeping up interaction, doing special streams, doing events properly
- Unique: being the best, most-authentic version of yourself
- Motivation: don’t give up; doesn’t have to be lonely;

“Trying to gain success in streaming can be hard, especially if you feel alone doing so. With the Streamlabs’ Guild, it is a great way to learn about new ways of streaming and for members of my Guild, you will learn ways of getting into the gaming industry plus more.” — UGRGaming
How do Guilds work?
We believe that each Guild Leader will have different skills, a different network, and a different approach. We’ve built a set of tools that help you find the right Guild, led by a Guild Leader that you already follow, know or believe in. We want to get out of the way and let you find your own guild that works best for you. You need to apply and be accepted. You can only join or create one guild at a time — so the choice of where you want to belong matters.

Guilds are free to create, and free to join by default. All-Star streamers (our partner program) have the option to create a paid guild with a monthly membership fee, if they so choose. Proceeds from paid guilds go towards supporting the streamer who created the guild.

Private Guild Discord Servers
Each Guild will automatically be given it’s own, private, invite-only Discord server. This is different (smaller, more exclusive) than your channel’s regular Discord server. You won’t have to create or manage it. Each time someone gets accepted or leaves your guild, our system will auto-magically add or remove them from your Guild’s Discord server too.

We’re excited about how Guilds can help support your stream, particularly smaller streamers. Feedback? Tweet us. Join or create guilds today, this is now in open beta. Watch our quick tutorial video to get started in less than a minute. We’d love to work with you and make this better.

“Many of us have been streaming for years, and had our shares of successes and failures. Join a guild, and learn from our mistakes, so you don’t have to lose time making them yourself!” — Shado_Temple
Upcoming New Features for May — July
Guilds was our big feature reveal for April, but we ran a few days late. As promised, we hope to continue pushing significant, new releases each month for the rest of this year.

Can you guess what they are? Tweet us. Join our All-Stars Partner program for early access to new stuff, or catch our next show on Twitch to see a sneak preview.