Let’s Stream & Chill: Couples that Stream Together, Stay Together
Everyone can do an evening with a movie, a sofa and a bottle of wine but can the world of video games also bring a couple together?Ahead of Valentine’s Day, Streamlabs reached out to a couple of streamers to find out if any had met while streaming, game together, or how streaming together has made their love even stronger, even when split by distance. Meet these streamers below, and Happy Valentine’s Day from Streamlabs!

Twitch: negaoryx and Bayliun
Streaming Long Distance
We met on Twitch, as we were both streaming Skyrim at the time and had a few viewers and mutual friends in common that recommended our channels to one another. I started messaging him at TwitchCon 2016 because I knew he wasn’t able to make the trip from London and thought I’d pick him up some merch if he wanted any. We ended up messaging back and forth and just never really stopped after TwitchCon! We became good friends, and things kind of took off from there. On average, we see each other every 2–4 months!

Mixer: Kiwi21Mango & JpRocket45
It’s All In the Mix
We are going to be married 9 years this year, but have been together for 12. We met at work and now we both stream on Mixer at the same time, as our pc’s are next to each other. So we stream on our individual names, but you can hear us on each other’s stream. We feed off of one another and our community loves that.

Twitch: Heroesoffitness
We Like Changing it Up
We met at a kettlebell certification event in San Diego back in 2009, I was working at it and Tim was going through it getting certified. Even though we didn’t get a chance to talk much, an instant connection was there. Afterwards, we connected online and began writing longer and longer messages to each other discovering that we were both huge gamers and nerds. Within a year Tim moved from Santa Barbara, CA to live with me! We’ve been together for over 8 years and have been married for over 2 years. From the beginning, we’ve always streamed together and incorporated our two passions in life: fitness and gaming. It’s so much fun sharing what brought us together with our amazing community on Twitch.

Twitch: Missdjm & GutterMagic
From Streamers, to Friends, to Lovers
We have been together for a year this March, but we’ve been friends since 2011. We met randomly through another streamer’s chat, back when Twitch was just becoming it’s own thing away from Justin.TV. We hit it off really well and started playing together, so began our 6 years of friend zone lol. We finally met in person at Twitch Con 2016. When our schedules align, we stream together.

Twitch: KorenzoLive & GrittyKittyKat
The Stream Keeps It Alive
My husband and I met outside of Twitch since and has been together for almost 16 years, married for six of those years. My husband streams 6–7 hours every night on Twitch and I am active in his chat or in the background on my nights off. We also stream together in front of the camera and I stream solo as well. We are both employed full time, my husband in IT and me as a nurse. I never took interest in playing video games until he started live streaming on Twitch as a serious hobby in 2016. So thanks to Twitch, we continue to learn and love new things about each other everyday.

Mixer: Mixer.com/mixtopher
From Engagement to Engage
Mixtopher and I have been streaming together for four years and just recently became engaged this New Year’s Eve. I met Mixtopher through his stream on Twitch in November of 2013 while he was doing a Resident Evil Marathon. After we met in person, I moved across country and the rest is history. We now stream together regularly as live streaming is Mixtopher’s full time career.