Social media design and images will make or break your brand.
Web users judge sites in the blink of an eye. It takes just 0.05 seconds for visitors to decide whether to stay or go.
That’s why it’s crucial that you get it right when it comes to design and images.
One Chance To Make A Good Impression
The product you’re selling is your brand. You need creative visuals consistent with your online presence to succeed. Snap decisions internet users make about the quality of a web page have a lasting impact on their opinions.
Successful social media growth means making a positive first impression with dazzling design and images.
Beautiful Imagery Creates A Relationship With Your Followers
38% of users stop engaging with websites if the content is unattractive, according to Adobe. And according to Google, your followers crave simple, familiar designs.
Attractive designs and images ensure a better user experience.
And don’t worry if you’re not yet skilled at image creation, there are many sites offering good quality images for free and lots of free advice available to improve your image skills.

Strong Visual Content Drives Strong Engagement
Facebook posts with images receive 53% more likes and many more comments than posts without images.
Users are three times more likely to engage with tweets offering visual content. And Pinterest – which relies on visual marketing – is now the second-largest driver of traffic from social media sites.
There’s simply no doubt, strong visual content drives strong engagement.
Building Blocks For Social Media Success
Most of us have heard of Smart Goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely.
Plan your social media engagement around achievable ideals. Measurable goals allow you to monitor how well your designs and images are being received.
- Specific - Who are you trying to reach?
These days, it pays to use multiple platforms to reach as many potential followers as possible. But it also pays to do some basic research to decide which platforms connect well with your brand. While TikTok has 131 million active users in the USA, only 3.4% of those users are 55 or older. Facebook attracts users of all ages, but its largest audience is men aged 25-34 years. Use several compatible platforms and engage with your own personal audience. - Measurable – know your own benchmarks
Successful social media content is subjective. What’s your most successful content to date – and what was less successful? At Link Space, we allow you to track your analytics to make key decisions about what’s working and what’s not. Once you’ve applied the best fresh designs and images for your social media you should be able to measure growth in engagement and follower count. - Achievable – set achievable goals
You might decide an achievable goal is 50 new followers in a month, or 5000. Or you might be looking for more engagement, comments and likes. Decide on your goals and use your own benchmarks. You’ll easily be able to see if you’re achieving successful engagement strategies. - Relevant – be clear about the purpose of your images and design
Your design and images should be personal to your brand, and interesting and enticing to your desired audience. - Timely – how soon do you want to see results?
If you want to double your followers, how soon can you see that happening? If you set a goal for one month from now, and don’t achieve it, be prepared to review and reassess.
Stand Out From The Crowd
Every day, more than 500 million tweets are sent, and Instagram has more than 2 billion active users.
Social media marketing companies like SocialPilot and SproutSocial can help you single out content that drives engagement.
Drill down to discover the best times to post and the best images to share for the richest follower engagement.
Sharing professional, appealing, and meaningful images that resonate with your target audience is your goal.
Good Design Is Mobile-Friendly Design
Almost 80% of social media engagement takes place on mobile devices, so your content must be optimized for mobile devices. Responsible web design, captivating headlines, concise targeted text and a clean appealing design are a must.
And don’t forget to dazzle your followers with fascinating, fast-loading images.

Optimize Images With Fast Loading Times
Pages that don’t load instantly lose views. Compressing web images can be a solution for faster loading. There are many free or low-cost apps available to help you compress images automatically, such as Optimole and Smush.
Social Media Engagement Starts With Stunning Images and Appealing Design
Beautiful visuals create connections.
Your images and designs are your opportunity to showcase your brand consistently and professionally.
Provide stunning images and appealing designs to drive strong audience engagement, and ensure social media growth.