The year 2020 may well be remembered in American history as the year that systemic inequity was exposed for all to see. The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black and Brown communities has revealed fundamental patterns of injustice in American culture. This injustice has been amplified by the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many more. As people exercise their lawful right to protest, the police response has amplified this inequity as well.
In this climate, the non-profit organization Know Your Rights Camp, founded by Colin Kaepernick, is making a stand. Through their Legal Defense Initiative, bail assistance program, COVID Relief fund, rent relief program, and by donating 1 million meals to food-insecure individuals, they’re the charity America needs right now.
Streamlabs is proud to be a partner of Know Your Rights Camp. You can help fundraise on their behalf by scheduling a charity stream to support them. Find them on our charity platform when you’re ready to start a fundraiser.
Here are five awesome ways they’re making an impact.
1. Legal Defense Initiative
In the wake of the unjust murder of George Floyd on May 25th, thousands of activists have taken to the streets in protest. To date, over 9,300 arrests have been made across the US in connection with these protests, and KYRC has swooped in to provide aid.
When Freedom Fighters took action nationwide, we immediately responded by expanding our initiative nationwide to provide support for both those arrested as well as those individuals that had their rights violated and the victims of police terrorism.
In partnership with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), KRYC contributed a $500,000 grant to defend thousands of cases nationwide. The grant also supports NLG legal observers across the country and funds the creation of new educational material regarding constitutional rights in multiple languages.

2. The Funds for Freedom
Know Your Rights Camp has partnered with Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation and dedicated $1,000,000 towards wealth-based detention by matching $500,000 each in grants. To kick off the partnership, KYRC and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation dedicated $200,000 on the first round of grants to these revolving community bail funds:
- Atlanta: Reverse the Cycle of Incarceration
- Baton Rouge: YWCA Greater Baton Rouge
- Detroit: Michigan Liberation
- Durham: North Carolina Community Bail Fund
- Fort Worth: United Fort Worth
- Memphis: Just City
- Miami: LGBTQ Freedom Fund
- Nashville: Nashville Community Bail Fund
- New Orleans: Safety and Freedom Fund
- San Antonio: Texas Organizing Project
3. COVID Relief fund
The pandemic has caused disruptions in nearly all areas of modern life, including housing, employment, transportation, and medical racism. The KYRC COVID-19 Relief Fund was established in March 2020 to aid Black and Brown communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

KRYC has delivered 12,500 PPE’S to vulnerable communities. Additionally, after an extensive vetting process, KRYC deployed over $800,000 in grants to the following organizations:
- Helping Oppressed Mothers Endure (H.O.M.E.)
- Teens Exercising Extraordinary Success (T.E.E.S.)
- 100 Suits
- Access Books
- Connections for the Homeless
- Friends of Island Academy
- Campaign Against Hunger
- Tulsa Dream Center
- Northside Achievement Zone
- Freedom University
- Give Directly
- New Destiny Housing
- Greater New Orleans Foundation Grant
4. Rent Relief & Essential Living Costs
COVID-19 has caused immediate and severe devastation to people’s housing security. Over 17 million people have filed for unemployment and many more are facing this challenge without government assistance. Many will begin to lose their homes as they can’t meet their rent/mortgage obligations.
In response, The Know Your Rights Camp has granted over 1,000 people rent or living expense relief during the COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, their Relief Fund provided three $150,000 grants for a total of $450,000 towards essential living costs and expenses such as rent relief to:
5. Donating 1 Million Meals
Food insecurity is already a crisis in the US. COVID-19 has only made this crisis worse. Know Your Rights Camp teamed up with Impossible Foods to expand its “social good” program supporting food security and social justice. The collaboration is on track to donate an astounding 1 million meals to people in need in 2020.

How You Can Help
Streamlabs Charity is proud to be a partner of Know Your Rights Camp, and you can find them on our charity platform when you’re ready to start a fundraiser.
Streamlabs offers custom charity alerts for your stream, a donation goal, and all the widgets you need, and a dedicated charity donation page for your campaign. The best part is that we take zero cut of the donations, and charge no annual fee for streamers or charities.
- Start a Fundraiser on behalf of KYRC
- Follow KYRC on Twitter
- Apply for legal assistance through the Legal Defense Initiative

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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