Strong values that bring great people together.
We believe in deep empathy for our fellow creators and teammates.
Empathy for our fellow creators helps us understand what to build and why to build it. We look at problems from a creator’s perspective, and build the solutions we would want to use. We are always striving to deliver a better experience because we are who we serve. We also bring empathy to every discussion with our teammates and co-workers. We assume positive intent in every interaction, and make every effort to fully understand everyone’s perspective. Our team is composed of passionate and driven people, and we trust each other implicitly.
Current Employee
The best company I've ever worked for!
Streamlabs is genuinely the most supportive company ever! They care just as much about you personally as they do professionally. You get to work with lots of incredibly smart individuals all working for a common good of helping to grow the business. Employees are treated like adults and with the utmost respect. The work is fun and the perfect amount of challenging. I would recommend this company to anyone!
Current Employee
They listen to every bit of feedback given, good or bad, from both the employees and the community, and they learn from it and improve on it.
Current Employee
100% trust and faith in decisions you make, highly motivating mentors, encouraging leadership, no micromanaging of any sort, and a team committed to helping you succeed.
Truth Seeking / No Ego
We believe egos have no place in a high functioning team.
No opinion carries more weight than another. Our team is deliberately as flat as possible. We believe that when you hire intelligent, driven, and passionate people, structure only serves to hinder creativity and innovation. We know what we don’t know, and we are always striving to learn more. Feedback, self-learning, and a growth-oriented mindset are paramount to our culture. We always know we can improve, and embrace constructive feedback as a way to continually grow.
We believe in end-to-end ownership of every aspect of our product and business.
Our team takes an extremely results-oriented approach to everything we do. Individuals are empowered to step up and own every aspect of their work. We encourage people to wear many hats, and will never tell you to stay in your lane. We have a high shared standard of quality and are continually raising the bar. We have immense pride in our brand and our product, and we speak up and hold each other accountable when we fall short.
Current Employee
Empowering management team trusts and supports their employees to execute without micro managing. This is a great place for highly motivated people, that want to ship product fast with thoughtful colleagues. This is a relatively flat org, meaning there isnt a lot of middle management buffering you from leadership, which generates a thoughtful and transparent working environment.
Current Employee
The company is filled with fun and friendly yet highly motivated individuals who are passionate about content creation and live streaming. The product teams are lean and hyper-focused on innovating and growing. We don't like meetings, don't do excessive planning, and value speed and iterations over quality. We build fast, learn fast and fail fast. Team does virtual events and keeps morale high at all times. Engineers are trusted to know their speed/ability the best, and are self-motivated to grow.
We believe in a quick, iterative approach to innovation.
We ship fast and fail fast, because we know that unreleased products don’t provide value to our creators or knowledge to our team. We understand the tradeoff between speed and quality, and try to find the right balance for every project. We shun perfectionism, but simultaneously hold an extremely high bar for everything we build. We embrace failure because we believe it teaches us more than success. We engage in blameless retrospectives, where we extract lessons and actions we can incorporate into our culture going forward. By quickening the pace of innovation, we quicken failure, learning, growth, and eventually success.