Step 1: Disable 3rd party overlays
In some cases using 3rd party in-game overlays could cause additional FPS drop or instabilities, especially when you have multiple concurrent overlays running. If you ever encounter any issues, try disabling them and see if that would increase your performance or stability.
A few examples of 3rd party software providing in-game overlays that you can disable if needed.
- Nvidia GeForce Experience In-Game Overlay. Disable via Settings (top-right gear icon) -> General -> In-Game Overlay switch.
- Discord In-Game Overlay. Disable via User Settings (bottom-left gear icon) -> Overlay -> Enable in-game overlay switch.
- Steam/UPlay/Origin In-Game Overlay
Step 2: Edit Windows 10 settings
- If you are using Windows 10, make sure that in Windows Settings you have disabled at least the Game DVR feature
- Try to disable the Game Bar feature. This may cause issues with the Windows store.
- You can find these options via the Windows 10 new settings panel -> Gaming.
Step 3: Limit the frames output by the GPU with
- V-Sync
- G-Sync
- Free-sync
- Set a frame cap in game settings
- Lower your in game graphics settings (you should rarely have your settings all set to max)