Today, Streamlabs is releasing a new set of tip page designs that content creators can use to showcase their channel and accept tips from fans. This new update include a brand new Night Mode theme and a new design that features a sleek, modern look to simplify tipping for supporters and give you more customizable options. Content creators can choose between multiple templates to create a tip page representing their channel.
To get started, visit the tip page design tab in your dashboard.
Updates to Your Streamlabs Tip Page
All the fantastic changes you can look forward to are listed here.
New Tip Page Design Layout
The first thing you’ll notice about your new tip pages is the sleek, modern design. For 94% of users, a well-designed web page makes a good impression. 38% of visitors will stop engaging with a website due to an unattractive layout. To streamline the tipping process and improve conversions, we’ve redesigned our tip pages to be more aesthetically pleasing and easy to use for your audience. Above, you can see a side-by-side before and after.
New “Tip Page Design” Tab on Your Streamlabs Dashboard
The Tip Page Design Tab on your dashboard allows you to customize both the content and design displayed on your tipping page. Under Content, you can tweak things like the donations currency, suggested tips, and a leaderboard featuring your top supporters. Under Design, you can customize your tipping page, including background color, font, and logo. You can set specific design elements for Day and Night modes.
New Night Mode Theme
Streamlabs is introducing a brand new Night Mode theme for your tip page. This intuitive, user-friendly theme features a dark color palette, ideal for improving visibilityat night. With Streamlabs' Night Mode theme, you can still customize your logo and banner fully according to your own preferences, all in one seamless package. Establishing a consistent look for your stream is now easier than ever with this exciting new feature from Streamlabs!

Select “Main Site Design” to Use Existing Tip Page Design
If you have a creator site theme for your tip page, Main Site Design will apply that theme to your tipping page. Remember that by using the Main Site Design, you can’t customize any elements in the Tipping Page Design area of your Streamlabs dashboard (except your banner).
While we are confident that you and your supporters will like the new tipping page design, you can toggle on the Use Legacy Tip Page Option under Design if you choose to preserve your current layout.