Loyalty Store

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0 points

Cloudbot Loyalty

ipengux 6,484 Points
acerolavr 4,645 Points
littlemacarons 4,370 Points
shadowman_97 3,449 Points
pandabr0wn 3,132 Points
funfetticolorz 2,338 Points
thetechsorcist 2,008 Points
tinkertechy 1,323 Points
phentron 1,308 Points
wipwopbippob 1,265 Points
missfit_madness 950 Points
couchpotatogoddess 645 Points
doirion_art_play 630 Points
inkoto 475 Points
llsammy 420 Points
balthialsylvanus 380 Points
dssrtfx 338 Points
demigod_magikarp 327 Points
remasuri_bot 319 Points
yunachan2 313 Points
vorryn_mizu 307 Points
sjofn77 225 Points
slagat0r 191 Points
mellopup 187 Points
ghorthas 185 Points


Filter By Permission
Command Name Response Cost
!lurk /me little1799Lurk {user.name} is now lurking, happy listening! 0
!ffxiv Play Final Fantasy XIV? Why not join the Prancing Moogle for their weekly art parties? 💟 Crystal > Brynhildr > Goblet Ward 8 Plot 6 || EVERY Sunday @ 5-7p Pacific 💟 ( https://bsky.app/profile/prancingmoogle.bsky.social ) 0
!comms Interested in getting art from @LittleMacarons ? Commissions are currently available on Ko-fi! ( https://ko-fi.com/macaron ) 0
!socials Want to follow @LittleMacarons elsewhere? Check out her Bluesky! ( https://bsky.app/profile/littlemacarons.art ) 0
!shop Check out @LittleMacarons ' threadless shop! ( https://littlemacarons.threadless.com/ ) 0
!death Current Deaths: {getcount deaths} 0
!death+ Current Deaths: {count deaths +1} 0
!death- Current Deaths: {count deaths -1} 0
!deathset Current Deaths: {count deaths {1}} 0
!commands A full list of chat/stream commands are available at https://littlemacarons.art/stream-commands 0
!discord LittleMacarons' discord server: https://discord.gg/vBd8rAc 0
!time It is currently {time.America/Boise} for @LittleMacarons 0
!raffle Join the active raffle. 0
!quote Trigger a random or specific quote. 0
!points Displays the amount of currency the user has. 0
!give Give points from a user using !give <name> <amount> 0
!vote Register your vote. 0
!bet Register your bet. 0
!gamble Allows viewers to gamble using their points. 0
!8ball Allows viewers to ask questions to eight ball. 0
!slots Allows viewers to gamble points on the slot machine. 0