Loyalty Store

Claim rewards using your cloudbot loyalty points

0 points

Cloudbot Loyalty

Bruh 80,014,470 Points
Haru_H.264 200,000 Points
DoubleSwrd 115,285 Points
RyumiZutto 7,010 Points
ren 3,120 Points
Athirah Arifah 3,010 Points
Cyber Nurii_playz 2,270 Points
Venti the bard 2,220 Points
Arima.yamazaki 2,070 Points
Aj Joyce 1,950 Points
NJDigit 1,840 Points
Tobias Hand 1,520 Points
SOMETHING 1,460 Points
nuggeto cumaeda 1,440 Points
Sora_KH_13 ※ 1,420 Points
JOHNNY 1,370 Points
Randa 1,370 Points
Ivy 1,360 Points
Tê Chu hề 1,300 Points
Aki 1,287 Points
KokomiTheKoi 1,230 Points
SOUL TUNE 1,130 Points
Cotton Yume 1,100 Points
Blanche Lumieré (Itachi) 1,090 Points


Filter By Permission
Command Name Response Cost
!discord https://discord.gg/EvKZYJsBDK or you can click at description 0
!watchtime @{user.name} watched the stream for {user.time} hours. 0
!lurk 😿 {user.name} is now lurking, where he will be? 😿 0
!commands You can use these commands here !discord !watchtime !followage !lurk !uptime !balance !loyaltystore !spec 0
!balance @{user.name}, you have {user.points} {loyalty.name}. Gaining Primogems when keep watch the stream or being active on chat too and first subscribe. 0
!loyaltystore to check what inside the loyatly store click there https://streamlabs.com/doubleswrd/cloudbot 0
!spec CPU : Intel Core I3 2130 , VGA GTX 750Ti , RAM 8GB. 0
!hello hello {user.name} :3 0
!raffle Join the active raffle. 0
!quote Trigger a random or specific quote. 0
!join Allows a viewer to join the queue. 0
!leave Allows a viewer to leave the queue. 0
!points Displays the amount of currency the user has. 0
!top Displays a list of Top users based on points. 0
!tophours Displays a list of Top users based on hours. 0
!give Give points from a user using !give <name> <amount> 0
!vote Register your vote. 0
!bet Register your bet. 0
!mybet Check what you have bet on. 0
!redeem Allows viewers to redeem items from your loyalty store through chat 0
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