!discord | https://discord.gg/EvKZYJsBDK or you can click at description | 0 |
!watchtime | @{user.name} watched the stream for {user.time} hours. | 0 |
!lurk | 😿 {user.name} is now lurking, where he will be? 😿 | 0 |
!commands | You can use these commands here !discord !watchtime !followage !lurk !uptime !balance !loyaltystore !spec | 0 |
!balance | @{user.name}, you have {user.points} {loyalty.name}. Gaining Primogems when keep watch the stream or being active on chat too and first subscribe. | 0 |
!loyaltystore | to check what inside the loyatly store click there https://streamlabs.com/doubleswrd/cloudbot | 0 |
!spec | CPU : Intel Core I3 2130 , VGA GTX 750Ti , RAM 8GB. | 0 |
!hello | hello {user.name} :3 | 0 |
!raffle | Join the active raffle. | 0 |
!quote | Trigger a random or specific quote. | 0 |
!join | Allows a viewer to join the queue. | 0 |
!leave | Allows a viewer to leave the queue. | 0 |
!points | Displays the amount of currency the user has. | 0 |
!top | Displays a list of Top users based on points. | 0 |
!tophours | Displays a list of Top users based on hours. | 0 |
!give | Give points from a user using !give <name> <amount> | 0 |
!vote | Register your vote. | 0 |
!bet | Register your bet. | 0 |
!mybet | Check what you have bet on. | 0 |
!redeem | Allows viewers to redeem items from your loyalty store through chat | 0 |